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Alignment With The Sun

Stonehenge and the Summer Solstice

Alignment with the Sun

Stonehenge, the enigmatic prehistoric monument in Wiltshire, England, was meticulously constructed to align with the sun during the summer and winter solstices. This remarkable alignment has fascinated and intrigued scholars for centuries.

The Summer Solstice

The summer solstice, which typically occurs on June 20 or 21, marks the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. At Stonehenge, the sun rises directly behind the Heel Stone, a massive monolith positioned at the northeastern edge of the monument. The first rays of sunlight penetrate the heart of Stonehenge, illuminating the interior with a golden glow.

The Significance

The summer solstice was a significant event for the ancient people who built Stonehenge. It symbolized the arrival of warmer weather, longer days, and the abundance of nature. Gatherings and ceremonies were held to celebrate the occasion and to connect with the sun's transformative power.

Celebration in 2023

In 2023, the summer solstice will be celebrated from 7pm on Thursday, June 21st. Visitors are welcome to gather near Stonehenge to witness this celestial spectacle. However, it is important to note that access to Stonehenge is restricted and advance booking is required.

Additional Solstice Dates

While the summer solstice typically occurs on June 20 or 21, the exact date can vary slightly from year to year. The same applies to the winter solstice, which usually falls on December 21 or 22.

In 2024, the summer solstice will be on Thursday, June 20th at 4:48 PM EDT.
